Engage Member Spotlight: Beth Ann Blackwood

Beth Ann Blackwood, PLLC

Beth Ann is your go-to lawyer for “bet the company” litigation. She has in-depth experience in complex business trials; shareholder and partner disputes; trustee, guardian and executor breaches of fiduciary duty, and fighting banks' abuses of their borrowers. When she’s not practicing law, you can find her writing, running, cycling, swimming or hanging with her three spoiled pugs and horse. 

Beth Ann earned her Juris Doctorate from Baylor University School of Law, where she was a proud member of the Mock Trial and Moot Court teams. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Baylor University.

Her professional credentials are equally impressive. She is a Certified NASD/FINRA Arbitrator and Mediator, a Certified Mediator in Texas State and Federal Courts, and is licensed to practice in the State Courts of Texas, the U.S. District Courts for the Northern, Eastern, Western, and Southern Districts of Texas, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Additionally, she holds an AV Peer Rating, a testament to her high ethical standards.


1. What inspired you to start your own law firm?

“I started my own law firm many years ago out of necessity. I had an opportunity to take a big, interesting case against a well-known, wealthy Dallas family, and my firm had a conflict. Other firms were unwilling to go up against that family, so I started my own firm. It turned out to be a good move and I’ve enjoyed it immensely.”


2. What kind of law do you practice? Why did you want to go into that area?

“I practice commercial litigation. I like litigation because it is competitive and exciting, and I like commercial litigation in particular because every case is different and you have to learn about each business at issue to provide effective representation.”


3. What do you wish someone had told you before starting your own practice? 

“Don’t try to do everything yourself. It will ultimately save you money to hire business chores out so you can focus on practicing law.”


4. What makes your practice different from others?

“I dive into each case as though I’m representing a member of my family. I take phone calls on weekends, late at night, and early in the morning. I’m thinking about my cases constantly and looking for creative ways to get my client the result he or she is looking for. In other words, I am VERY invested in my clients’ cases.”

5. What will your practice look like in 5 years?

“My case load and clients will look the same. My use of things like AI will probably make my practice more efficient which will result in savings to my clients. And, I’m sure something surprising will happen, so who knows!”


6. Have you ever worked from exclusively home (i.e., no other office to go to, except perhaps for a virtual office) If so, what did you like about that location/situation? What did you most dislike? 

“I worked exclusively from home for about six months. I liked having my dogs around and they were pretty happy to “help” me work. But I really need human interaction, and I love coming into the office and seeing other people. I also find that I’m immediately in the work mindset when I enter the office, whereas from home sometimes I would be thinking of things I needed to get done around the house.

Engage is perfect for me because they rent exclusively to lawyers so you can brainstorm with others, and they have events and CLE inhouse in an effort to create a collegial, helpful atmosphere.”


7. How do you expect Engage to help you meet your goals?

“They’re doing it!”


If you’d like more information on Beth Ann Blackwood and her practice, check out her website. If you want to know more about Engage, please visit our website and book a tour. 

Engage Workspace for Lawyers is an office space for lawyers built by lawyers. Unlike other coworking spaces, Engage charges a flat monthly rate for access to a full suite of resources and limits membership to a community of lawyers. If you are looking for law office space where you can focus on your practice and be surrounded by great colleagues, please contact us or book a tour.

© Elysium Consulting LLC dba Engage Workspace for Lawyers.  2018-2023.  Represented by intellectual property law firm, Klemchuk PLLC. 


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