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5 Things All Law Firms Need to Succeed

5 Things All Law Firms Need to Succeed

There are a lot of blogs out there that will tell you things like, “the best thing for business is to be positive and believe in yourself!” And while this is definitely true, it’s not super helpful. When starting your own firm, or even if you’ve had your own firm for a while, you want actual, tangible advice. That’s what we hope this information can do for you. Here are five useful suggestions to help improve your business and efficiency. 


1. Billing System 

Law firms need an accurate and efficient way to bill, this is one of the most important systems that you can have. Being able to easily create invoices, and bill clients will save so much time, which could be used towards that ever-growing to-do list. Time is money, literally, so we recommend doing some research and finding the system that works best for your law firm. One tip is to look for a billing platform that integrates easily with whatever bookkeeping system you are going to use. For example, Clio and QuickBooks pair very well, and they are both user-friendly.


2. Cloud Drive 

Having physical files does not only absorb office space but it absorbs time. If you need to find something quickly or share something with a client not having to physically hunt through a file cabinet or scan something can save you on a busy day. Utilizing a secure cloud drive makes it possible to have everything at the tips of your fingers: you can search faster, edit documents easier, and share with multiple people, without losing sleep about whether your files are safe. Again, we recommend doing your due diligence and finding the right system for you. Make sure it’s easy to use, secure, and has a lot of storage.


3. Processes 

If you’re a new firm, or a small firm, you may not put much emphasis on the importance of processes. However, having processes is not just about being more efficient (which is definitely a benefit) but they also make your law firm look more professional. Being able to bill consistently, pull reports, engage a new client, or disengage with a client the same way every time makes you look reliable and stable. Whether you’re training someone new or just need to get more organized, having processes in place can make your day-to-day business run smoother than ever. Ask other attorneys for some of their best practices when it comes to running their firm. Why reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to?


4. Marketing 

Marketing for law firms has changed over the years. Although word of mouth is still important, and you might still see billboards and ads in journals, one of the best ways for attorneys to get their names out there is with social media platforms. LinkedIn, for example, has become an excellent resource for attorneys to network and connect with their community. By using these free resources, you can build and maintain your brand and help create a steady stream of clients without spending too much energy or time.


5. Professional Image 

You want your law firm to look stable and trustworthy to everyone whether we are talking about clients, opposing council, or your mom. The best way to do this is by purchasing a professional domain name for your law firm and purchasing corresponding email addresses. Having an email address with @gmail.com at the end can be confusing or look unprofessional to some clients. You could also take it a step further by having a logo made for your website, a signature line, or on stationary. We also recommend getting a professional mailing address, even if you work from home. Engage offers a Professional Virtual Membership for this exact reason. If someone Googles your office, you will want something impressive showing up.


At Engage, we strive to make attorneys lives easier by offering secure office space with administrative support. We have experience working with all kinds of law firms, and we pride ourselves on providing amenities and recommendations to our members to help them be successful.   

Engage Workspace for Lawyers is an office space for lawyers built by lawyers. Unlike other coworking spaces, Engage charges a flat monthly rate for access to a full suite of resources and limits membership to a community of lawyers. If you are looking for law office space where you can focus on your practice and be surrounded by great colleagues, please contact us or book a tour.

© Elysium Consulting LLC dba Engage Workspace for Lawyers.  2018-2023.  Represented by intellectual property law firm, Klemchuk PLLC.