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Engage’s Five Favorite: Legal Blogs

Engage’s Five Favorite: Legal Blogs

At a time when we may feel disconnected from one another, finding an online community can feel like a relief and can keep us pushing forward. At Engage, we build a community within our office space that creates networking opportunities between law firms, but during quarantine it can be difficult for any office to maintain that sense of togetherness. That’s why we created a list of our five favorite legal blogs. We want to help our members, and the legal community in general, stay connected and have resources at their fingertips for their practices. 


Law 360

Provided by LexisNexis, Law 360 is a great resource for news around the world - covering major events and developments in legislation, IP, litigation, and much more. Read the trending news stories or check out what is happening the courtroom. Either way, you’ll come out better informed. 


Above the Law

Delivers opinion pieces and news, sometimes with a bit of humor. Above the Law posts great advice columns for attorneys, whether you’ve been practicing for years or you’re just starting out. It’s also a great source for law students providing information on law schools and state bar exams. 


The Law for Lawyers Today

Every attorney should read this blog, whether you are in-house counsel, solo, or part of a large firm. The Law for Lawyers Today blog provides information regarding legal ethics, malpractice, and risk management. This blog will help you practice more responsibly.



The attorney’s newspaper - this is a great source for current legal events and news. Law.com also has an interesting legal podcast for your commute. What really makes them stand out is their useful resources for their readers, such as verdict search, a legal dictionary, and a directory of legal communities. 


Constitution Daily

If you’re looking for interesting political reads, this is a great blog for you. Between the podcast and staff written posts you can stay informed and up to date with the legal proceedings of the U.S. Supreme Court. It also provides engaging conversations regarding the constitution, the law behind political moves, and historical legal proceedings. 


There are too many legal blogs for us to list them in their entirety, but we have listed a few of our favorites. There are a lot of practice-specific blogs for criminal, IP, technology, or In-House attorneys. We encourage everyone to do a little research and find something for you. Educating yourself and staying up to date with the legal community is essential to any law practice. 

 At Engage, we cater to attorneys and have a diverse range of practice areas officing with us which helps our members stay knowledgeable in multiple areas. This is a perk with coworking spaces, like ours, that we feel isn’t highlighted enough: the ability to help our members continue to learn and expand their legal knowledge when officing with other attorneys.

Engage Workspace for Lawyers is an office space for lawyers built by lawyers. Unlike other coworking spaces, Engage charges a flat monthly rate for access to a full suite of resources and limits membership to a community of lawyers. If you are looking for law office space where you can focus on your practice and be surrounded by great colleagues, please contact us or book a tour.

© Elysium Consulting LLC dba Engage Workspace for Lawyers.  2018-2023.  Represented by intellectual property law firm, Klemchuk PLLC.