5 Essentials for Virtual Law Firms

5 Essentials for Virtual Law Firms

Many attorneys, especially when starting their law firm, consider a virtual office instead of physical office space. It decreases your overhead but still allows you the amenities needed to run a successful business. But with so many choices for coworking spaces and virtual memberships it’s hard to figure out what amenities will actually benefit you and will be worth the cost. And which amenities are included in the membership fee, and which ones cost extra?


You want to make sure you’re getting more with your money than just an office address. You may need conference room access to hold client meetings, or a desk at times in order to get some work done away from home. The problem with being an attorney at many coworking spaces is the lack of privacy and the lack of professionalism. You need privacy, office supplies, and a space that helps promote your brand.


With everything happening in the world right now, and so many people working from home, coworking spaces need to be able to give you more than just an office address or pretty space. So, we compiled a short list of the essential items you should be getting with your virtual membership to make working from home easier all the time, not just during a pandemic.


1. A professional address 

You want searchability and credibility- having a professional address can do that for you. Your clients don’t need to know that most days you work in your pajamas on your couch, so having an easy-to-find and impressive location can help you attract clients and keep them. If you search your business address right now, what comes up? A strip mall? Your residence? Or an established commercial property?


2. Conference space available to meet clients

Again, this lends itself to credibility. Having a professional office space to meet clients in can speak volumes about your firm and its success. Think of your office space as a business card, you want it to make an impression and set the tone for your business. With many people practicing social distance, having a quiet space to meet a client could make a huge difference to your business. It shows you can accommodate your clients’ needs under any circumstance.


3. Access to office supplies and printer

Having access to things like a printer, envelopes, and postage in one place can help save you time in your already busy day. At offices like Engage we even offer our members Notary services. Having all these amenities in one place can make your day or meeting with a client run smoother. It’s also something you don’t have to buy and keep at your house or send to your paralegal’s house. Working from home means needing to limit the number of times you have to get in your car and drive away from your desk, so make sure your virtual membership provides you with a one-stop shop. 


4. Flexible membership

Going from a stroll to a sprint can be taxing on a business. That’s why having the flexibility in your office space membership to steadily grow your business is important. If you’re working virtual but start picking up in business and need to have a designated space, you should be able to do that without having to commit to three years. Being able to evaluate your business every year and adjust your needs is a necessity, especially to law firms who experience a lot of fluctuations. 


5. Space to come and work - day desks, etc. 

As we’ve all recently come to realize, sometimes being productive from home is difficult and as attorneys you can’t always work out of coffee shops and restaurants due to privacy issues. That’s why any virtual membership you get should offer day desks, or spaces to work that are quiet and convenient. Being able to plug-in somewhere and immediately get to work is a time saver, which means more time spent on billable work. 


Engage offers our virtual members mail service, office supplies, notary services, conference rooms, and more. We understand that just because you don’t have a physical office space with us doesn’t mean you don’t need to get work done. 

Engage Workspace for Lawyers is an office space for lawyers built by lawyers. Unlike other coworking spaces, Engage charges a flat monthly rate for access to a full suite of resources and limits membership to a community of lawyers. If you are looking for law office space where you can focus on your practice and be surrounded by great colleagues, please contact us or book a tour.

© Elysium Consulting LLC dba Engage Workspace for Lawyers.  2018-2023.  Represented by intellectual property law firm, Klemchuk PLLC. 


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